
Our Approach

About the Author

A. J. Bakke has always been a creative spirit with her head in the clouds and half a toe in reality. Her biggest passion, aside from writing, is horseback riding. She is the oldest of five sisters and one brother to boss around. She enjoys writing fantastical stories with action, comedy, and the occasional terrible pun thrown in. Her favorite time to write is first thing in the morning with a big mug of coffee close at hand and cats piled on her lap. Cats are attracted to magical people, after all.

Our Story

Fun Facts

  • Favorite Games: Guild Wars 2 & World of Warcraft
  • Favorite Movies: Ink, Mirror Mask, Die Hard (1, 3, & 4), and The Avengers.
  • Favorite Shows: Bones, Supernatural, Stranger Things, The Guild, and Burn Notice.
  • Favorite Authors: Mercedes Lackey, Terry Pratchett, Margaret Weiss, Tracy Hickman, and Lelia Rose Foreman.